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6.5 WIKI A Wiki is a website that has a collection of web pages which can be easily created, viewed and modified by a…


6.2 BROWSING THE WEB  Browsing the web is similar to surfing the channels on TV. On TV, you continually change channel…


3.3 ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES In the present era, you can get access to a large number of electronic educationa…

E- Learning Processes

3.2.1 E- Learning Processes Since, any e-learning project checks your achievements against a learning outcome, therefo…

Web Application Introduction 2

Web Application Introduction 2

3.0 INTRODUCTION As discussed in the previous unit, Internet has many applications for its user. In the recent times,…


2.5 CHAT The word chat in English language means - casual conversation. On Internet it means the same, except that y…


E-MAIL Internet has changed the art of writing letters to email. Email is one of the ways on Internet to send message…

To search the internet, you can:

SEARCHING The Internet consists of millions of private/public/academic/business and government networks having local…