One of the most important output devices in computer system is its screen commonly
called monitor. It is an output device and displays all the programs and applications
which are running on the computer system. A Monitor is the visual display unit of the
computer system. It displays images generated from the video output. It displays images
without keeping a permanent record.
A Graphic display is made up of a series of dots called ‘pixels’ (picture elements) whose
pattern produces images in computer system. Each dot on the screen is defined as a
separate unit which can be addressed separately. Since each dot on the screen can be
controlled separately it gives greater flexibility in drawing pictures. The Number of dots
per inch (dpi) is called the resolution of the screen and represents the quality of the
computer system.
4.7.1 Cathode Ray Tube Monitors (CRT)
Monitors display what is going on in your computer. They can run at various resolutions.
It is the part of computer which looks like a TV set. After typing the characters from the
keyboard, we can see them on the monitor.
The main components of a CRT monitors are the electron gun, the electron beam
controlled by an electromagnetic field and phosphor coated display screen. These older
monitors are bulky and require a lot of space for installation.
In CRT monitors, the image is projected on the screen by directing the electron beam onto the computer screen. To precisely direct the electron beams, copper steering coils are used to create a magnetic field inside the tube. By applying varying voltages to the copper coils a beam can be positioned at any point on the screen.
4.7.2 Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD)
First introduced in watches and clocks in the1970’s, LCDs are now used to display
images in monitors. A newer technology in computer screens is TFT LCD monitors.
These are light weight monitors and are used in laptop computers. Active matrix structure
is used by most of the modern LCD monitors and television sets. In this technology, a
matrix of thin-film transistors (TFT) is added to the polarizing and color filters. It
enhances the display to make it look brighter and sharper. It can also produce much better
images and have quicker response times.
These monitors are portable, reliable and consume less electricity. Images produced by
these monitors are of better quality than that of old CRT monitors. The LCD monitors
have very high resolution and emit less radiation than CRT monitors. The screen is also
flicker free.
4.7.3 Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (TFT LCD)
It is type of monitor which used thin film transistor technology to enhance the
image quality of LCD Monitors. These are used as monitor in television set,
desktop computer, laptop computer and mobile phones etc.
4.7.4 Light Emitting Diodes Monitors (LED)
Light Emitting Diodes (LED) is the latest technology which is being used now a days for
making high definition TV screens and monitors. It is a semi-conductor light source. In
this technology diodes are used to light up the screen instead of liquid crystal Diodes.
LED is known as light emitting diode. It is an electronic device that lights up when
electricity is passed through it. LEDs are usually red. They are good for displaying
images because they can be relatively small, and they do not burn out. However, they
require more power than LCD monitors. LED is light weight monitors and is used in
laptop computers and in TV.
The Life of LED monitors is three times than that of LCD monitors and they have less
warm up time than that of CRT or LCD monitors. These monitors require less space on
the desk, less power consumption and have flicker free screen.
4.7.5 Projection Displays
These are normally used for large group presentations. These systems can be connected
to a computer and whatever appears on the computer terminal gets enlarged and projected
on a large screen. Video projector receives video signals and projects the corresponding
image on a projection screen. It uses a lens system for this projection.
These are popularly used for seminars, class room lectures, marketing presentations and conference room presentations etc.
Classification of monitors on the basis of color.
In terms of color capabilities, monitors can be divided into the following groups:
1. Monochrome : These monitors display the result in two colors, i.e., black/white,
green/black, amber/black. One color is for the background of the screen and other for
the foreground.
2. Gray Scale: It is a monochrome type of monitor. But it displays the output by using
different shades of gray, made by a combination of black and white.
3. Color Monitor: It can display the output in many colors, ranging from 16 to over 1
million different colors. These are also called as RGB monitors, because they accept
three separate signals, which are red, green, and blue.
Classification of monitors on the basis of size
After color classification, the most important aspect of a monitor is its screen size. The
Size of computer screen is measured in diagonal inches and is given by measuring the
distance from one corner to the opposite corner (diagonally). The smallest size for VGA
monitors is 14 inches, which is also the entry level monitor for most computer systems.
The Larger size landscape monitors can display two full pages side by side at a time.
Other typical monitor sizes are 17 inches, 20 inches, 23 inches etc.
Classification of monitors on the basis of Resolution
The resolution of a monitor means the number of pixels per inch appearing on its surface.
In general the greater the number of pixels the sharper is the images. Most modern
monitors can display 1024 by 768 pixels. Some high-end models of computer monitors
can display 1280 by 1024, or even 1600 by 1200 pixels. Even 3280 by 2048 resolution
monitors are available for special purposes. While CRTs provide variability in resolution
LCDs monitor have a fixed resolution.
Classification of monitors on the basis of signal
Computer monitor can be divided into two categories on the basis of the type of signal
which they accept. These are:
1. Analog Monitor
2. Digital Monito
Analog Monitor
The Electronic signal that is sent by signals of varying frequency, amplitude or phase
instead of being sent as an ON or OFF data transmission is called an analog signal.
Analog signals allow equipment to handle information that continuously changes such as
voltage, current, etc.
Analog signals can be represented by a wave sign and watches which changes their
position continuously as shown in Figure 4.21
These are the traditional type of color monitors and are based on CRT technology. These
work like the television screen and accept analog signals.
Digital Monitor:
An electronic signal that is sent as binary digits of either ON or OFF is called a Digital
signal. As shown in Figure 4.22 examples of digital signals and how they look like. In the
first diagram signals are either 0 or 1 i.e. up or down for ON and OFF mode. In the right
digital pictures are shown where a pixel is either ON or OFF helping to create an image
on the display screen.
The digital monitor receives digital signals and can use CRT technology. The data in
these monitors is received from the video adapter. These are of different types such as
CGA (Color Graphics Adapter), EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter), VGA (Video
Graphics Array), and SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array). These are fast and produce
clear images.
👉 Check Your Progress 3
Part I: True / False
1) Pick devices are used to pick objects on the monitor True / False
2) CRT monitors consume more electricity than LCD monitors True / False
3) Light Emitting Display is the full form of LED monitors True / False
4) Bar Code Reader is an OUT PUT Device True / False
5) A Graphics tablet can be used as a mouse. True / False
6) Graphic tablets are used for designing purposes. True / False
Part II: Short answer type questions
1) What is the function of Graphic Tablet?
2) What do you mean by multimedia graphics tablet?
3) What do you Meany by Computers Microphones ?
4) What do you mean by barcode reader?
5) What do you mean by digital camera? Explain its various characteristics.
4.7.6 Printers
Printers are used for producing output on paper. There are a large variety of printers and
printing devices which can be classified according to the print quality and printing speed.
These varieties of printers are
Printing Technology – impact printers vs. non impact printers
Impact printers use variations of the standard typewriter printing mechanism where a
hammer strikes paper through an inked ribbon.
A non Impact printer uses chemical, heat or electrical signals to produce symbols on
paper. Some of these require special coated or treated paper to print characters on them.
Classification of printers on the basis of speed :
On the basis of speed printers are of following types
1. Character Printer : These printers can print only one character at a time. They work
similar to a typewriter. The examples are Daisy Wheel Printer, Dot Matrix Printer and
Inkjet Printer.
(a) Daisy-Wheel Printer : This printer is similar to a ball-head typewriter. This type
of printer has a plastic or metal wheel on which the shape of each character is
A hammer presses the wheel against a ribbon, which in turn makes an ink stain in
the shape of the character on the paper. Daisy-wheel printers produce letterquality print but cannot print graphics. The print quality of this impact printer is
very low as is the speed. These are practically obsolete now.
b) Dot-Matrix Printer : This is one of the most popular printers used for
personal computing systems. These printers are relatively cheaper
compared to other technologies and use impact technology.
In the 1970s and 1980s, dot matrix impact printers were generally considered the best
tradeoff between expense and versatility, and until the 1990s they were by far the
most common form of printers used with personal computers. Characters in this
printer are formed by the combination of dots.
A Dot-Matrix printer creates characters by striking pins against an ink soaked ribbon.
Each pin makes a dot and combinations of dots form characters and illustrations. The
moving portion of the printer is called the print head.
- Dot matrix printers, like any impact printer, can print on multi-part stationery or make carbon copies.
- Impact printers have one of the lowest printing costs per page. As the ink is running out, the printout gradually fades rather than suddenly stopping part of the way through a job.
- They are able to use continuous paper rather than requiring individual sheets, making them useful for data logging. They are good, reliable and ideal for use in situations where printed content is more important than print quality.
Impact printers are usually noisy.
- They can only print low resolution graphics, with limited color performance, and limited quality.
- These printers are slow. Speed can be 225 cps to 250 cps. Speed may vary from one printer to another.
2. Line Printer: As the name suggests a line printer is a high speed printer which is used
to print one entire line of text at a time. Line printers are used to print large amount of
data, printing labels, accounting work and other large business printing applications in
data centers. These are fast printers ranging in speed from 300 to 2500 lines per
minute. Examples are Drum Printers and Chain Printers.
3. Page Printer: These are very high speed printers which produce high quality output.
Their speed ranges from10-25 pages per minute. These printers are commonly used
today. They use modern Laser Printer technology and print a whole page at one go.
There are many varieties of laser page printers and so their prices range from base
level upwards.
Classification of printers on the basis of quality
The various types of printers based on print quality are as follows
1. Ink-jet Printer: The Inkjet printer works on inkjet technology and produces
better quality printouts than dot matrix printers. These print by spraying a
controlled stream of tiny ink droplets accurately on the paper forming either dot
matrix or solid characters.
The printing quality of these printers is very good with a speed of 700 or more
characters per second. These are non-impact and hence are relatively silent during the
printing process. These printers are easy to use and can be used to print color pages.
Compared to other printers, inkjet printers have a number of advantages. These are
- They are quieter in operation than impact printers.
- They can print finer, smoother details through higher print head resolution
- They can produce photographic-quality text and images.
- The ink is often very expensive.
- Many intelligent ink cartridges contain a microchip that communicates the estimated ink level to the printer; this may cause the printer to display an error message, or incorrectly inform the user that the ink cartridge is empty.
- The very narrow inkjet nozzles are prone to clogging with dried ink.
Standard laser printers can be classified into two categories in terms of color:
- Monochrome laser printer, and Color laser printer
Monochrome laser printers use a single toner. Color laser printers use four toners to print in full color. These printers are about five to ten times as expensive as their monochrome siblings. Color laser printers are popular and are being widely used, in spite of their cost. To print documents with graphics and photographs a color laser printer is a good option. Print speed, quality, printer resolution, reliability and the costs of toner are the major deciding factors for choosing a printer.
4.7.7 Plotters
A Plotter is a device that draws pictures on a page as output, after receiving a print
command from the computer. It is also called a graph plotter. In plotters pens are used to
draw lines on the paper, which is placed in the plotter.
Plotters produce high quality diagrams on the paper and their output quality is good. Engineers, architects and planners use plotters to generate high quality, high-precision graphic output of different sizes. For several design applications such as design of layout of an aircraft, car, and architectural design of a building and in other computer-aided design applications plotter are very useful.
Plotter is of two types:
- Drum Plotter
- Flat-Bed Plotter
The drum plotters are generally smaller than flatbed plotters and they have lower
resolutions than flatbed plotters. HP, Canon and Epson are the popular companies which
manufacture good quality of platters.
4.7.8 Speakers and Microphones
Computer speakers, or multimedia speakers, are external speakers, commonly equipped
with a low-power internal amplifier which produces sound as output. External speakers
are connected with a computer by using a plug and socket.
A Microphone is an acoustic-to-electric transducer or sensor and is used to convert sound
signals into electrical signals. It was originally invented by Emile Berliner in 1877, and
allows you to record voices or sounds and place them onto computers, generally as a
wave file.
Integrated microphones can be found on laptops and some desktop monitors. These
microphones are usually a small hole in front of the computer which when spoken into,
will record your voice.