Collaboration is defined as an act or process of working together on a project or some intellectual activity.

But what is the importance of collaboration? The world is increasingly becoming globalised on issues like environment protection, control of terrorism, international business, learning etc. In such changing circumstances, even the scientific explorations have become collaborative. Thus, in this global world, role of the Internet tools is to enable collaboration among people. From this perspective chat, news groups, wikis all are some basic tools for collaboration. Collaboration involves both communication and sharing of ideas. Modern day science, to certain extent, has become collaborative. Today, you may find a number of research papers coauthored by many people staying at geographically diverse places.

Each collaborative project has several social, political, ethical and technical issues that are to be addresses at the start of the project itself.

Some of the key questions a distributed collaborative project needs to address are:

Will cumulative wisdom emerge from the collaborative efforts? After all a collaborative project also requires good investment. Several research papsers have been written about the broad set of success measures and factors that are responsible for successful collaboration. You may refer to further readings given at the end of this Unit for more details.

Some of the areas where collaboration has been found to be successful is the area of physical science that requires huge investment in expensive devices. However, if the already existing labs can do a distributed collaborative attempt then the overall cost of a project may be reduced. One such area may be the high-energy physics. Another important area in this direction may be Health Sciences. Some of the complex data intensive problems including genetics, neurology, biomedicine etc. may require international participation. The third important area for collaboration is the Environmental Studies, this also require wide spread data collection and involvement of large communities. Some of the topics of concern may be the ecology. The latest discovery of new species of plants and animals are result of collaborative efforts. The Applications II earthquake data and global tsunami warning system may be based on worldwide collaboration.

As stated earlier, most of the tools used on the Internet can be used for some form of collaboration. However, we would like to show an example of collaborative tool for student. Google Docs is one such tool that may enable you to create a collaborative project report online. You may create a document using it and share it with your colleagues who in turn may be able to add content to it from anywhere, edit it and discuss about it using a discussion group. For example, you want are writing a research paper with few other writers. You may create a draft report that may be edited by other writers online. Please note that in such a case all of you are working on the same document. Please note that this document may be a spreadsheet or presentation or just text document.

Similarly, such kind of collaborative activity exists in the Microsoft Office 2010 and Adobe Acrobat. In addition, there are many tools available on Windows and UNIX for collaboration.

Another software that can be used for collaboration is Google Wave. It allows you a shared web space for discussion or working together in a group. You may use text, photographs, maps etc for this purpose. This software also combines collaboration with email, chat, messaging etc. The following figure shows a sample screen of Google wave:

 There are plenty of other web-based collaboration tools. Here are a few of them:

As discussed earlier, Media Wiki is the software in which Wikipedia and IOCG wiki 
of IGNOU have been developed. It is a very simple tool that allows multiple people to 
make and commit changes in a document. It keeps the version of each change. Many 
Universities have used this software to develop a collaboration space.


Zoho is a division of ZOHO Corporation, a US-based Software Company. Zoho is a very good site for collaboration. It not only allows simple mundane tasks like group editing, document sharing, group chat, etc but also provides some management tasks like milestone tracking, invoice creation, and other team tasks. The figure 3.13 shows the screen on Zoho. For more details on Zoho, you may visit the website:  

Volunteer Computing: 

A somewhat similar concept to collaboration is the concept of volunteer computing where you allow your hardware resources to be used for the purpose of some online project. One such project that is hosted by Space Science Laboratory at the University of California, Berkley is for Search of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence called SETI@Home. This project employs a software platform called BOINC that you need to download in case you wish to part of the project. Once, you become part of the project then your computer executes some of the data that is constantly being received from sensors. This project has paved the way for volunteer computing but has not located any Extra Terrestrial so far. You can obtain more details on this project from the website Researches in Taiwan are making an attempt to use volunteer computing to visualize earthquakes. 

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