I/O ports are the
interfaces through
which computers
communicate with
external devices such as
printers, modems,
joysticks and terminals
Port is a connecting socket, outside the system into which different types of cables are
plugged. It is a specific place from which other devices can be physically connected. I/O
ports are the interfaces through which computers communicate with external devices
such as printers, modems, joysticks and terminals. There are many types of ports used in
computer system. Some of them are given as follows.
4.3.1 Parallel Port
Various peripherals can be connected through parallel port, which is a parallel
communication physical interface. A parallel port transmits 8 bits of a byte of data in
parallel. It is used for transmitting fast data over short distances. It is used to connect a
printer to a computer. Since a parallel port transmits an entire byte at a time, it operates.
I/O devices at a relatively high speed. A Parallel port is primarily used to connect printers
to a computer and hence it is often called a printer port.
4.3.2 Serial Port
Serial port transmits one bit of a byte, one at a time as a single stream of bits. It is meant
for transmitting slow data over long distances. Communication over a phone is an
example of serial communication. It is a serial communication physical interface which
transmits one bit at a time. Dial-up modems and serial mice use serial ports.
4.3.3 Universal Serial Bus (USB)
A USB Port can connect up to 127 peripheral devices such as a digital camera, digital
speakers, scanners, speakers etc. It permits Plug and Play – configuring of expansion
cards and peripheral devices as and when they are installed.