1.0 Introduction

As discussed in the previous blocks, the initial computers were designed as a machine that could perform monotonous arithmetic calculations with ease and lot of accuracy. The computing power of the computers kept on increasing every year while during the same time the technologies of message transfer were advancing. During the era of 1960-70, the computers were becoming faster, cheaper but more powerful and smaller in size. The number of application of the Computer also kept growing, however, the main breakthrough that enhanced the use of Computer was the advent of network of interconnected computers. The Computer Network made various computers to share information at a very high speed.

In the year 1960, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. Department of Defence and researchers from Universities and research centres developed a network called the ARPANET. The main goal of ARPANET was to share data and processing time over a set of computers connected through telephone lines and satellite links. This led to creation of one of most widely used network of networks – the Internet. The Internet could carry any digital signals such as text, graphics, sound, video and animation. Today, Internet has thousands of networks and millions of users, with the numbers expanding daily. 

This unit introduces you to some of the basic fundamentals of Computer Networks and the Internet.


After going through this unit, you should be able to:

 define the basic concepts of networking;
 discuss the basic models of networks;
 explain different types of networks;
 differentiate among different networking devices;
 explain the addresses used on the Internet; and
 explain the different advantages of networks.


A computer network can be simply defined as the interconnection of two or more independent computers. Applications of computer networks are found everywhere. They are used in our homes, schools, colleges, railway stations, offices and business. They help us to send an email, watch a live sports event at our computer, book rail/air tickets and do chatting with our friends. But why do we need Networks?

1.2.1 Advantages of using Computer Networks

We use a Computer Network for the following reasons:

a) Resource sharing: A network is needed because of the desire to share the sharable programs, data, and equipment available to anyone on the network without regard to the physical location of the resource and the user. You can also share processing load on various networked resources. 

b) High reliability: A network may have alternative sources of supply (e.g., replicated files, multiple CPUs, etc.). In case of one resource failure, the others could be used and the system continues to operate at reduced performance. This is a very important property for military, banking, air traffic control, and many other applications.

c) Cost-benefit advantage: A network may consist of many powerful small computers, one per user. You can keep the data and applications on one or more shared and powerful file server machines. This is called the client-server model. Such model offers a much better price/performance ratio than old mainframes. At present many server services have been moved to Internet based resources set up by a third party and shared by many (called cloud). This allows users to use powerful server applications and data services without maintaining servers. Such system may bring down the cost further. However, such models still have several issues that are being debated. 

d) Scalability: The ability to increase system performance gradually by adding more processors (incremental upgrade).  

e) Powerful communication medium: Networks make cooperation among far-flung groups of people easy where it previously had been impossible

In the long run, the use of networks to enhance human-to-human communication may prove more important than technical goals such as improved reliability.

One of the most popular application of network is the World Wide Web which is an application of Internet. Let us introduce you to internet in the next subsection

1.2.2 The Internet  

Internet is an interconnection of thousands of networks. It came into being in 1967. Internet has a very interesting history. You can trace the evolution of Internet at the website . One of the major applications of the Internet is the World Wide Web (WWW). Internet and WWW (World Wide Web) are often used as synonyms of each other, which is technically not correct as the Web is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources. WWW was started in 1989 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee at Physics Laboratory (CERN).The WWW provides a ―point-andclick‖ interface to text, images, sound and movies that has proven to be very easy-touse. This feature was made available due to Hypertext that provides a ―point and click‖ link to other documents on the WWW. To access the information on internet you require a software called web browser. Some of the popular browser software are - Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari etc.

The Internet is a collection of various services, tools, applications and resources. Some of the popular services on the internet are – browsing, searching, e-mail, chat, e-learning and lots more. Today, Internet has brought the world on your desktop. Right from news across the world, wealth of knowledge to shopping, purchasing the movie, railway or air tickets everything is at your mouse click. It has also become the most excellent business tool of modern scenario. Several activities can be performed if you have access to the Internet; like you can use it for learning or teaching, you can be part of an online distributed project, you can use it for publicity and advertisement, you can refer Internet for career or job consultation and so on. Unit 2 and Unit 3 discuss some of the services tools, applications and resources available on the Internet in more details.

Before we discuss more about Internet, first let us describe the process of data communication system that forms the core of computer network. 

1.2.3 Data Communication System 

In the connected world, a computer does not work as a standalone system but as part of a communication system. Besides computers, most of the large/complex systems like the navigation systems for ships or aircraft or rockets, the satellites and many other systems rely on the communication system. In the most fundamental sense, communication involves implicitly the transmission of data or information (the information is derived from data) from one point to another through a succession of processes. Data is transmitted over any communications medium as either digital or analog form. The most important factors affecting the transfer of a signal over a medium are noise and attenuation. Noise is the external disturbances whereas attenuation is defined as degeneration of the signal. A simple communication system can be represented by the block diagram shown in Figure 1.1.

The communication system essentially consists of five parts:

Source: Source produces a message or sequence of messages to be communicated to the receiver. The source output may be in many different forms such as a waveform, a sequence of binary digits, and a set of output from sensors in a space probe, or many other similar forms. 

An Encoder: Encoder represents any processing of the source messages/ signals prior to transmission. The processing might include, for example, any combination of modulation (discussed in later section), data reduction and insertion of redundancy to combat the channel noise.

The Channel: Channel is the medium for transmitting signals from transmitter to receiver. It may be a telephone line, a high frequency radio link, a space communication link or a storage medium. A channel is usually subject to various types of noise disturbances, which on telephone line, for example, might take the form of a time-varying frequency response, crosstalk from other lines, thermal noise, and impulsive switching noise. A channel subject to noise is called noisy channel. An error-correcting code corrects errors due to noise.

The Decoder: A decoder represents the processing of a channel output received from the channel to produce an accepted replica of the input at the destination.

The Destination: Destination is the receiver. It may be the person or object for whom the message is intended.

An example of communication system: Suppose a student computer is connected through a modem to a telephone line. If she/he wants to send a file to his/her friend over a communication system, his/her computer is the source, the modem converts his digital file into analog signal that can be transmitted over the telephone line to the receiver’s modem which at its end converts the signal back to the digital signal. The digital data then is accepted by the destination computer. 

Some standard data transmission concepts are:

  • The data in a communication system may be transmitted as analog or digital data over a single path serially or number of parallel paths.
  • The data can be sent asynchronously when both the source and receiver are not following timing or synchronously when both sender and receiver agree on the sequence of arrival of data.
  • Modes of Data Transmission: There are 3 modes of data communication:
  • Simplex
  • Half duplex
  • Full duplex 

Simplex Mode : In simplex mode of data communication, data flow is uni-directional. This means that data travels only in one direction i.e., from a sender to a receiver. The receiver cannot respond back to the sender. An example of simplex mode is keyboard, or a television station telecasting a program.

Half Duplex Mode: Half duplex communications occurs when data flows in both directions; although in only one direction at a time. An example of a half-duplex system is a Walkie-Talkie system used a two-way radio normally by Police. You may use the word "Over" to indicate the end of transmission, and ensure that only one party transmits at a time. In such systems sender and receiver both transmit on the same frequency.

Full Duplex Mode: In full duplex mode of data transmission, data is transmitted in both the direction simultaneously. This means that both the devices in a network can send and receive the data at the same time. It is like a two lane road with traffic moving in both directions at the same time. In this mode signals going in either direction share the capacity. Half of the bandwidth is used for sending data in one direction, while the other half is used for receiving data from other direction. An example is a telephone conversation.

Speed of transmission: Speed of data transmission plays a major role in data communication. How fast data can be transmitted from place to place is sometimes called bandwidth. Bandwidth is a data transmission rate that tells the maximum amount of information (bits/second) that can be transmitted along a channel. It is measured in kilobits, kbps, 1,000 of bits per second, or megabits (Mbps), millions of bits per second. Actual transfers are considerably lower because of software and protocol overheads.

Some Sample Transmission Speed: Dial-up modems are generally capable of a maximum bit rate of 56 kb/s (kilobits per second) and require the full use of a telephone line—whereas broadband technologies support at least double this bandwidth. Broadband usually has a high rate of data transmission. In general, any connection to the customer of 256 kb/s (0.256 Mb/s) or greater is more concisely considered broadband Internet. 

Packet, and Circuit Switching: This terminology has started from telephone network, where switching offices were places having switches that were used to create connection from one source to destination. Circuit switching involves creating a switched path for entire communication, for example, when you make a telephone call the connection is established by switching and is available for the whole communication. Whereas in packet switching a message is broken in small packet which are handed over from a source to destination through many small steps.

A Computer Network although works on the basic communication system, but is much more than that. It is characterized by a number of tasks that are mostly implemented with the help of networking software that takes care of addressing, routing and reliable delivery of messages. These software are implemented as a number of protocols which are discussed later in the Unit

What should you know about a computer network?

A computer network requires that the computers must somehow be connected with each other. Thus, you require a physical connection between two or more computers. This connection may be through physical wired media or wireless medium. In addition, it will require certain devices that will enable the connection. These concepts are explained in brief in section 1.3 and 1.7

A related question here is: Are the computer in networks connected arbitrarily or there exists some architecture and structure? Section 1.4 and 1.5 provide details of some simple topological structures and network architectures for networks. It also details the classification of networks

Another related point is how the data will be transmitted over these connections. We have provided some information on these points in section 1.2.3. For more details on these topics you should refer to the further readings. 

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