1.0 Introduction 1.1 Objectives
1.2.1 Abacus 1.2.2 Napier‟s Bones1.2.3 Slide Rule1.2.4 Pascal's Calculator1.2.5 Leibniz‟s Multiplication and Dividing Machine1.2.6 Difference Engine 1.2.7 The Analytical Engine1.2.8 Mechanical and Electrical Calculator1.2.9 Modern Electronic Calculator
1.3.1 First Generation Computers (1940-1956) 1.3.2 Second Generation Computers (1956-1963) 1.3.3 Third Generation Computers (1964-1971) 1.3.4 Fourth Generation Computers (1971-present) 1.3.5 Fifth Generation Computers (present-beyond)
1.4.1 How Computers Work ? 1.4.2 Operational Unit 1.4.3 System Unit 1.4.4 Von-Neumann Architecture 1.4.5 Classification of Computers 1.4.6 Classification by Technology
1.5.1 Electric Circuits 1.5.2 The Transistor vs. the Vacuum Tube
1.6 Operating System 1.7 Current Applications of Computer 1.8 Limitations of a Computer 1.9 Summary 1.10 Answers to Check Your Progress